Business Letters | Sample Business Letters


Marketing Manager

Operation Manager


Commercial Manager

Accountant Executive




Customer service

HR Manager

Self-Employed Workers









Public/Not for profit


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Jason Lockhart









Public/Not for profit


and etc.

With our all-in-one business writing software, you get dozens of ready to use business, sales and marketing letters to help you find the perfect words to say, plus practical writing guidelines and tips provided by experienced business writing experts.

business letter business letter format apology letter
marketing letter sales letter thank you letter
acceptance letter acknowledgment letter adjustment letter
advertising letter advice letter agreement letter
announcement letter annual meeting letter apology for delay letter
appointment letter approval letter attendance letter
authorization letter bankruptcy claim letter bill of sale letter
board member welcome letter buy letter cancellation letter
client welcome letter collection letter commercial letter
complaint letter compliment letter condolence letter
confirmation letter confirmation of agreement letter confirmation of attendance letter
confirmation of call letter confirmation of contract letter confirmation of phone conversation letter
confirmation of receipt letter confirmation of request letter congratulation letter
cooperation letter correcting error letter cover letter
credit letter death of a pet sympathy letter declining letter
delegation letter directive letter disagreement letter
discipline letter dismissal letter distributor welcome letter
early payment letter encouragement letter endorsement letter
errors letter explanation letter extend credit letter
farewell letter fault apology letter first contact letter
follow up letter fundraising letter goodbye letter
illness sympathy letter inquiry letter introduction letter
invitation letter late payment letter letter closing
local representative welcome letter loss of a job sympathy letter loss of a pet sympathy letter
meeting letter merchandize return letter new product introduction letter
new service introduction letter notification letter notifying error letter
offer discount letter offer restitution letter order letter
overpayment letter personnel letter policy letter
poor product complaint letter poor service complaint letter postponing letter
potential customer letter recommendation letter reference letter
referral letter refusal letter rejection letter
reminder letter remit balance letter reprimand letter
request letter reservation letter resignation letter
response letter response to complaint letter revising letter
rumor letter social events letter soliciting letter
special sales letter submitting letter suggestion letter
supplier welcome letter support letter sympathy letter
termination letter trade show letter transmittal letter
underpayment letter verification letter welcome letter
writing sales letters replying positively letter requesting additional information letter
schedule of advertising letter correcting seller error letter notifying business of error letter
notifying customer of error letter offering restitution letter replying negatively letter
billing problems letter correcting buyer error letter rejecting bid letter
requesting revision bid letter soliciting bid letter submitting bid letter
accepting bid letter apologies for missed appointment letter confirming appointments letter
granting approval letter postponing appointments letter requesting approval letter
cancelling appointments letter new policies letter new prices letter
new rates letter new terms letter change of merger letter
special events letter change of address letter change of ownership letter
closing of facility letter closing of location letter discount opportunity letter
termination of agreement letter termination of contract letter declining appointments letter
appeal letter appreciation letter available service letter
business offer letter claim letter commitment letter
declining invitation to event letter disciplinary letter donation letter
employment letter formal business letter granting permission letter
happy christmas letter introductory letter job letter
layoff letter memo letter notification of new hour letter
offer of complementary product letter payment reminder letter persuasive letter
recall of product letter recruitment letter response to a crisis letter
resume letter retirement letter salutation letter
special offer for new customer letter sponsorship letter training seminar letter
upcoming product release letter    


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